In which I (and you) need to find a way forward
In which I internalize the cost of escaping myself
In which I recount two dreams (one literal) and two strange phone calls
In which I bemoan the life I've made, and turn to the blog for guidance
A modern patter song
The preparations get a little bit out of control
Messing with the concept of life, in real time
What it's like when Yardena plays The Legend of Zelda
In which I realize just how much still needs to be done
A love letter
A reversion to old problems and an old blogging style
...and the system stops working
I stop trying
What I was up to in May 2012
The responses to Gamer Mom
A character adventure game by myself and Kyler
I move into an apartment in Jerusalem
On my friendship with Yardena, and how it developed
The Addict starts a fight about the Worker's place in the group
A summary and context for April
One last performance of The Tenth Man, in which I did a different interpretation of the character
The first dungeon of the game demonstrates the proper way to design a tutorial.
A hub for conversations between ourselves
Conclusion: To stay in character, actively reframe all activities to fit.
Plans are made, life goes in other directions
The beginning and end of a relationship that was only ever serious in my head
The confusion and frustration that comes after my first date
A blog post of no value
With the Worker, the Addict and the Person in charge, things got done
After each performance, I write a new post
With the help of the new conference room, we start to pull together (sort of)
A transcript of a conversation between two of my personalities, the Thinker and the Person
An interactive post about the difficulties in interacting with other people while I seem to be entirely crazy
After a disastrous month, the Rules in their entirety are put up to a vote
The Thinker pretends someone is listening, once again
In the first month with the "panic mode" rule, we struggle to stay over 6/10
A six-suit variant of the popular solitaire game
An interactive blog post, in which I demonstrate the superiority of my approach to life
Why is an item as endlessly useful as the Deku Nuts never used by players?
Many plans are made, and less than half of them are kept
I assess my current political and religious positions
The worker starts to backslide, not much gets done, and a lot of comics are read
The Worker wants to stop playing
The Worker gets it right
A possible explanation of the bizarre business decisions Nintendo's been making over the past few months
The game's approach to teaching the player is dissected, to understand how such a tremendously complex piece of design can be as accessible as it is.
We devolve into an amorphous lump
The first monthly meeting between my personalities, wrapping up the events of May but not very neatly
The shell script I use to start my day
Three variations on Legend of Zelda themes, in improvisations between multiple synthesized "instruments"
The opening cutscenes are compared to other Zelda games' beginnings, giving a sense of where this game stands in the series and its position on the "narratology vs. ludology" debate.
The worker talks about life
I aim to present a cohesively creative character, made up of eight pieces
What is the purpose of this project, and why Ocarina of Time?
A subjective but thorough analysis of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
A typical example of the composition process, demonstrated through audio files
A test run of "The Rules", with specific goals
A reinterpretation of my life, incorporating a complicated game of multiple personalities
Wherever in the old blog a song was mentioned or recited, there is now music.
A simple post about an emotionally complicated evening
An exploratory post about movies and their place in modern culture
Possible approaches to the problem of exponential growth
I conclude my earlier post about socializing, by describing a degrading experience in Jerusalem
After Ruddigore, I put my life back together
In which I play the part of a lead actor, for a production of Gilbert & Sullivan's comic opera "Ruddigore" (A story in eight chapters)
For this month, I play an obsessive actor
How to avoid reminding the gamer that he's playing a game
A day in the fictional life of the version of me who has self-control
On the insipidity of Web 2.0
Using gameplay to simulate the messiness of human behavior
My ongoing half-hearted struggle against the musical part of myself
How an adventure game's interface can be used to bring a character to life
I continue my earlier post about socializing with an account of the complicated relationship between me and my friend Moshe
Level 2, attempt 3
A summary of my position on adventure games and their potential
The interactive introduction to a new subsection of the blog concerning adventure games
A concert gets me thinking about the kind of creative process I want
Level 2, second try
Three simple situations, in which I would have appreciated the ability to undo moves
Some much-needed (by me) perspective for a major change I'm putting myself through
The third month of me recording and analyzing all my activities, in which wasted time starts to be a problem
A very long story about a very small game
An interactive dialogue in which I run through possibilities in my head, in advance of the upcoming reunion with certain family members
Most of the week is pretty lonely; I ought to do something about that.
The second month of me recording and analyzing all my activities
A downloadable movement game I've made
A downloadable album of my original piano music
The story of a strange person performing in a strange play
After an overly long day, I babble incoherently about my lack of coherence
I try to come to terms with my feelings as a LOST fan, now that the TV series has ended
The first month of me recording and analyzing all my activities
Where I'm going with my life
Act 3, Scene 1
Setting the tone for Part 3
A transition post between Part 2 and Part 3
A piece of music I first described in the second blog post here, now recorded
Finale: an interactive dialogue tying together almost every post on the blog
The imaginary girlfriend character leaves
The future characters leave
A detailed explanation of why I'm leaving Blogger, and what happens next
The director of The Matchmaker leaves
The post the blog should have started with in 2005, but didn't
In which I (and you) need to find a way forward
In which I internalize the cost of escaping myself
In which I recount two dreams (one literal) and two strange phone calls
In which I bemoan the life I've made, and turn to the blog for guidance
I stop trying
What I was up to in May 2012
The responses to Gamer Mom
A hub for conversations between ourselves
The beginning and end of a relationship that was only ever serious in my head
A blog post of no value
After each performance, I write a new post
An interactive post about the difficulties in interacting with other people while I seem to be entirely crazy
A six-suit variant of the popular solitaire game
An interactive blog post, in which I demonstrate the superiority of my approach to life
I assess my current political and religious positions
The shell script I use to start my day
A subjective but thorough analysis of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
A reinterpretation of my life, incorporating a complicated game of multiple personalities
Wherever in the old blog a song was mentioned or recited, there is now music.
An exploratory post about movies and their place in modern culture
In which I play the part of a lead actor, for a production of Gilbert & Sullivan's comic opera "Ruddigore" (A story in eight chapters)
A day in the fictional life of the version of me who has self-control
On the insipidity of Web 2.0
The interactive introduction to a new subsection of the blog concerning adventure games
Three simple situations, in which I would have appreciated the ability to undo moves
Some much-needed (by me) perspective for a major change I'm putting myself through
An interactive dialogue in which I run through possibilities in my head, in advance of the upcoming reunion with certain family members
Most of the week is pretty lonely; I ought to do something about that.
A downloadable movement game I've made
The story of a strange person performing in a strange play
Act 3, Scene 1
Finale: an interactive dialogue tying together almost every post on the blog
The imaginary girlfriend character leaves
The future characters leave
The post the blog should have started with in 2005, but didn't
The preparations get a little bit out of control
Messing with the concept of life, in real time
What it's like when Yardena plays The Legend of Zelda
In which I realize just how much still needs to be done
A love letter
A reversion to old problems and an old blogging style
...and the system stops working
What I was up to in May 2012
I move into an apartment in Jerusalem
On my friendship with Yardena, and how it developed
The Addict starts a fight about the Worker's place in the group
A summary and context for April
One last performance of The Tenth Man, in which I did a different interpretation of the character
Conclusion: To stay in character, actively reframe all activities to fit.
Plans are made, life goes in other directions
The beginning and end of a relationship that was only ever serious in my head
The confusion and frustration that comes after my first date
With the Worker, the Addict and the Person in charge, things got done
With the help of the new conference room, we start to pull together (sort of)
A transcript of a conversation between two of my personalities, the Thinker and the Person
After a disastrous month, the Rules in their entirety are put up to a vote
The Thinker pretends someone is listening, once again
In the first month with the "panic mode" rule, we struggle to stay over 6/10
Many plans are made, and less than half of them are kept
The worker starts to backslide, not much gets done, and a lot of comics are read
The Worker wants to stop playing
The Worker gets it right
We devolve into an amorphous lump
The first monthly meeting between my personalities, wrapping up the events of May but not very neatly
The shell script I use to start my day
The worker talks about life
I aim to present a cohesively creative character, made up of eight pieces
A test run of "The Rules", with specific goals
A reinterpretation of my life, incorporating a complicated game of multiple personalities
A simple post about an emotionally complicated evening
I conclude my earlier post about socializing, by describing a degrading experience in Jerusalem
After Ruddigore, I put my life back together
For this month, I play an obsessive actor
My ongoing half-hearted struggle against the musical part of myself
I continue my earlier post about socializing with an account of the complicated relationship between me and my friend Moshe
Level 2, attempt 3
A concert gets me thinking about the kind of creative process I want
Level 2, second try
The third month of me recording and analyzing all my activities, in which wasted time starts to be a problem
Most of the week is pretty lonely; I ought to do something about that.
The second month of me recording and analyzing all my activities
After an overly long day, I babble incoherently about my lack of coherence
The first month of me recording and analyzing all my activities
Where I'm going with my life
A transition post between Part 2 and Part 3
A detailed explanation of why I'm leaving Blogger, and what happens next
The director of The Matchmaker leaves
The post the blog should have started with in 2005, but didn't
A modern patter song
Three variations on Legend of Zelda themes, in improvisations between multiple synthesized "instruments"
A typical example of the composition process, demonstrated through audio files
A reinterpretation of my life, incorporating a complicated game of multiple personalities
Wherever in the old blog a song was mentioned or recited, there is now music.
A downloadable album of my original piano music
Setting the tone for Part 3
A piece of music I first described in the second blog post here, now recorded
A character adventure game by myself and Kyler
Possible approaches to the problem of exponential growth
How to avoid reminding the gamer that he's playing a game
Using gameplay to simulate the messiness of human behavior
How an adventure game's interface can be used to bring a character to life
A summary of my position on adventure games and their potential
A very long story about a very small game
The first dungeon of the game demonstrates the proper way to design a tutorial.
Why is an item as endlessly useful as the Deku Nuts never used by players?
The game's approach to teaching the player is dissected, to understand how such a tremendously complex piece of design can be as accessible as it is.
The opening cutscenes are compared to other Zelda games' beginnings, giving a sense of where this game stands in the series and its position on the "narratology vs. ludology" debate.
What is the purpose of this project, and why Ocarina of Time?
A possible explanation of the bizarre business decisions Nintendo's been making over the past few months
I try to come to terms with my feelings as a LOST fan, now that the TV series has ended
Rachel Helps28/05/12
Daniel Meir27/05/12
Rachel Helps25/05/12